Monday, August 8, 2011

How is puzzle like Science?

Science is the study of the natural phenomenons in our world and around us. With the help of scientists and their discoveries, there are many things that we know now. But the more we know, the more questions we seek. This means that we do not know everything. There are some questions which do not even have an answer. So we cannot know everything despite the fact of how much we already know.So Science is like a puzzle. We cannot know all the things on our own. When we look at a bunch of pieces from a puzzle, we do not know straight away what the answer would be! We first have to join all the pieces together that will lead us to the correct answer.
Science has left us with unsolved puzzles that we have to find. Step by step, we will approach to conclusions and those little conclusions are like small pieces of puzzle. Once, when the exact answer has been found, that will be the time when we reveal the hidden picture of the puzzle.
How do we solve a puzzle? By putting each piece next to the other until finally we have been able to reveal the mystery behind it. Science on the other hand is like a puzzle. It is very complex. There seems to be no end to it as every year, humans come up with more and more discoveries. Just as it takes time to solve a puzzle, it takes a great deal of time come to scientific conclusions.
An example can be taken from the previous scientists such as Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei who did a lot of testing and came up with a lot of conclusions. Some of their conclusions must have been wrong initially which is why those mistakes helped them to lead to the correct conclusion. This is what happens when we are trying to solve a puzzle. At first, we try to test two pieces by putting them next to each other. But when they do not get attached, we understand right away that those two pieces cannot be put together so there must be another way.

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100%, as we learn more and more about the world around us we need to EITHER make the pieces fit into the vision of the world we currently hold OR completely rearrange the same pieces into some new solution. Thanks for the post.
